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I am constantly updating this site, so you might want to subscribe to have new content delivered directly to you--rather
than you having to come here and hunt across several pages for new info. Enter RSS (Real Simple Syndication, sometimes
called a feed). The video below explains the basic concept of subscribing to online content via an RSS feed and reading
that content in a Reader, rather than visiting the site directly.
As Lee Lefevers notes in the video, there are many different Readers you can use. My favorite is Google Reader. After you
create a free Google Reader account, you can add this link to your Reader to subscribe to this wiki, or you can watch the
slideshow below for step-by-step directions for adding this site to your Reader (I actually created the slideshow for another
wiki--a book club--but the directions apply). Trust me--a Reader will reduce your online reading time and make it incredibly
easy to track all the new content added across all the pages of this wiki.
Don't stop here, go find some other cool sites (news, blogs, wikis...) and add them to your Reader!
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