

Subscribe to this wiki.


New to RSS? Keep Reading! 


I am constantly updating this site, so you might want to subscribe to have new content delivered directly to you--rather

than you having to come here and hunt across several pages for new info. Enter RSS (Real Simple Syndication, sometimes

called a feed). The video below explains the basic concept of subscribing to online content via an RSS feed and reading

that content in a Reader, rather than visiting the site directly.




As Lee Lefevers notes in the video, there are many different Readers you can use. My favorite is Google Reader. After you

create a free Google Reader account, you can add this link to your Reader to subscribe to this wiki, or you can watch the

slideshow below for step-by-step directions for adding this site to your Reader (I actually created the slideshow for another

wiki--a book club--but the directions apply). Trust me--a Reader will reduce your online reading time and make it incredibly

easy to track all the new content added across all the pages of this wiki.


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Don't stop here, go find some other cool sites (news, blogs, wikis...) and add them to your Reader!