

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago


Taking the Mystery Out of WebQuests: Building WebQuests for Middle and High School Students

Session 51135


Workshop Hand-Outs




      FREE Magazine Subscriptions




          - NETS for Students         

          - NETS for Teachers          

          - Curriculum Integration Lessons  



      Saving WebQuests (Social Bookmarking)


     Locating WebQuests

          -  How To

          - SDSU WebQuest Database

          - Search Thinkfinity

          - Midge Frazel's sources 


      Creating Your Own WebQuest


      Places to build your WebQuest

           - In a Wiki:  PBwiki.com          

           - Instant WebQuest          

           - Filamentality 

           - Quest Garden


Implementing your WebQuest:

           - Ideas from Delaney & Reeves 


Not Quite a WebQuest--Other Web-Based Learning Activities :

           - from Michael Krauss





Mother Load of Links

to all things WebQuest


WebQuest about    



WebQuests about Literature

 Best WebQuests

 Building Blocks of WebQuests



Sample WebQuests

Add your favorite WebQuests to the list below. If you need to create another category, feel free to do so. To create a link, type the name of the WebQuest. Then, highlight the name. Click on the "Link" tool in top toolbar. In the "Link Type" box, use the pull-down menu to select URL. Then, copy and paste the URL (the web address) into the box. Be sure the protocol (first of address--like http://) is correct. Don't forget to click "Save."  



Technology for Teachers:




WebQuests Created During Workshop

Add your WebQuests to the list below. You may use the "Attach file" command in the top toolbar. Simply use the "browse" button to locate where you have saved the file; then, click "upload." You should see your file added. Don't forget to hit "Save."


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