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Model Lesson

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Saved by Lisa Huff
on July 22, 2011 at 2:11:06 pm

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Learning Goals:

  • Analyze a text closely, and draw a logical conclusion (inference) from it. (CCRS Reading 1)
  • Cite specific text evidence to support conclusion. (CCRS Reading 1)
  • Prepare for and participate in a Socratic Seminar. [SL.11-12.1] 
  • Draft and publish your conclusion and discuss online with peers. (CCRS Writing 6, CCSS Writing 9)


Set a Purpose:

  • POLL (Use your cell phone!) 

READ the Text:

The Danger of Digging Deeper

THINK About the Text:

Work with your small group to re-read the text deeply and to determine what it means. Complete the graphic organizer as you re-read and talk with your group.


READ another related text:



DISCUSS the Text:

To deepen our understanding of the text, we will discuss the text in a Socratic Seminar.


The outer circle will participate in the discussion simultaneously and silently via a Twitter Twub.  You can log in to Twitter from our Twub (You must have a Twitter account to participate.)


Write about the Text:

Think about how drilling for natural gas has impacted Central Arkansas. What's one inference you can draw from the text?


Write a topic sentence that shares a thought-provoking inference you've drawn from the text. Consider it a first draft of a topic sentence for a paragraph you'll compose tomorrow. Publish your sentence in this Google Doc.


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