Using PowerPoint for Common Core

PowerPoint Basics

PowerPoint allows you to create a slideshow that includes a range of multimedia: images, voice narration, sound and/or music, drawings, videos, hyperlinks to resources online, embedded files. Basically, it can be...


How could students use PowerPoint to practice the skills outlined in Common Core

or to present ideas about a concept or topic?


As a designer of classroom learning experiences, you are limited only by your creative ability to give students the opportunity to show what they know in a creative format! Try taking a topic/concept from your curriculum, allowing students to use inquiry (read, think, discuss, research) to learn the concept/topic. Then, have students create a real-world product to share their learning or apply the learning.


Facilitate students' learning throughout the process as needed by...


Here are a few ideas of products students might create using PowerPoint:


Explore the links below to find other ideas: