
Beyond Traditional Research

Page history last edited by Lisa Huff 9 years, 6 months ago



Resources Used Today...and more

Today's Learning Goals

  • Unpack skills we need to explicitly teach students for them to be able to produce evidence-based products.
  • Use strategies to teach key “research” skills
  • Use technology to aid inquiry process.


Session Agenda

8:30 - 8:40  Getting Acquainted with Each Other and Session Materials 

What Is "Research"?


Model Lesson 1: Asking Questions

Using the QFT Strategy

10:00-10:10  BREAK

Model Lesson 1 Debrief 


Model Lesson 2:  Considering Multiple Perspectives

Selecting and Tracking Evidence

11:30-12:30 LUNCH

Lesson 2 Debrief


Team Research:  

What digital tools work best for student research?

1:45-1:55 BREAK

Model Lesson 3: Integrating & Citing Evidence

Using Signal Phrases, Embedded Quotations, and In-Text Citations


Model Lesson 3 Debrief


Reflect and Evaluate Session



Session Descriptor:

Looking for ideas to get kids close reading literature? In this session, geared to 6-12 English Language Arts teachers, participants will learn classroom strategies to engage students in close reading and analytic writing. Participants will leave the session armed with resources and strategies for designing their own literary analysis tasks and engaging students in close reading. Additionally participants will gain several model texts and writing tasks to use with students and graphic organizers and strategies for writing literary analyses. 















***Current Events/Issues--resources

Schafer--CD/CM--commentary   OR   evidence/explanation


1. Read ACT sample arguments--Essay 5  Essay 6

2. Generate anchor chart--What would a student need to be able to compose such an argument?

    Pair and Share (3 clock appointments?) and then report out in whole class discussion


3. Read changes to ACT test

4. Review Rubric

5. Review CCSS standards relevant to research/argument 

6. Make connection to research



Helpful Research Links:




Research Digital Tools:




Current Events & Issues:



Beyond the Traditional Research Paper:  Teaching Students to Synthesize Info from Multiple Sources

Looking for strategies to teach students how to truly synthesize information and craft a high quality composition? In this session, geared to 6-12 teachers of all subjects, participants will explore resources and strategies for teaching students to craft compelling questions for inquiry, close read and collect evidence, synthesize and organize information, integrate evidence smoothly into their own writing. Participants will take home mini lessons and resources for each of these stages of the research process--lessons they can use immediately in the classroom.




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